Subject RE: [IBO] IBObjects and FB1.5 embedded: How to connect???
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> > I use the Embedded Server with IBO on an USB stick daily.
> >
> > Perhaps you are using a remote connection, even if it is
> > with "localhost"? What protocol are you using?
> cpLocal. I'm trying to set it up on my laptop and it's like IBO can't
> locate the dll or something.

Are you talking about accessing the database from the Delphi
IDE via the Embedded Server?

I would first try to run the application outside the IDE, so
you will able to narrow down, if your Embedded Server installation
is flaky. Either compile the application and then close Delphi,
but, at least make sure, that no one else is connected to that

Did you read the Embedded Server notes in README_embedded.txt
of your Embedded Server distribution?

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Serie - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database and MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions