Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Connect to peer
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:12 AM 23/02/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I appreciate the detailed response. I thought I understood until I
>read the last sentence. If I make an entry for the other computer in
>the hosts file I can then use it as a server over TCP/IP? Am I correct?

Yes - provided, of course, that both the server and the client have TCP/IP
services running. And I should have mentioned that the *client* machine
needs the same entry in its HOSTS file (so it knows what it is looking for).

It is also highly recommended to push TCP/IP up to the top of the protocol
stack on both machines and to disable all protocols that you don't need --
e.g. IPX/SX is only applicable to Novell networks.

If NetBEUI is at the top of the stack, its "noise" can interfere with
network performance -- although in your case (single crossover cable) it
probably won't make much difference, except when the client first connects
to the server.


>--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> > At 07:07 AM 22/02/2004 +0000, you wrote:
> > >Computers A and B are conneccted by a cable and just using MS
> > >networking. If computer A wants to connect to B, where B is running
> > >Firebird and has the database file, what do I set the database
> > >property to? Can I just use UNC? Will this work?
> >
> > It's a UNC-like connection string but you can't use Windows
> > peer-to-peer-style UNC strings to mapped drives or shares. Firebird's
> > architecture is client/server and it doesn't know about
> > also can't use this style of connection if the server is Win 95, Win98,
> > WinMe or (I think) WinXP Home. (I'd like to hear from anyone who
> > WinXP Home).
> >
> > B (your server) has to have a Server Name. If your Windows version
> > have a way for you to set up the server name, then you'll know that it
> > doesn't support being a Named Pipes server.
> >
> > Suppose you called it BServer. Then A would connect to the employee
> > database on Firebird 1.5 as follows (full string):
> >
> > \\BServer\C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\examples\employee.fdb
> >
> > With IBO it is best to use the individual connection properties:
> >
> > ServerName: BServer
> > Path: C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\examples\employee.fdb
> > Protocol: cpNetBEUI
> >
> > With these three properties, IBO constructs the correct connection
> > at run time. At design time, it also writes the full string into
> > DatabaseName. You should delete this and replace it with your own
> > "user-friendly" name, such as Db.
> >
> > Win95, etc. *can* be servers, but they can only be TCP/IP servers.
> > you would set up the server machine's physical or logical IP address
> > any server name you like in the HOSTS file.
> >
> > Helen
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