Subject Re: [IBO] Locking rows
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:24 AM 20/02/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>But I must to put in EVERY IB_QUERY?
>I'm using Delphi...
>I think in an "autolock" option at conection lever, to do a lock every
>time a row become edited...
>I must edit every query and modify?

Eeew! locking sets is *not* a Fb/Ib thing. If you need pessimistic
locking on every set, you shouldn't be using this DB family, which has an
architecture designed around optimistic row locking.

In Fb 1.5 you *can* get a pessimistic lock on a set via SQL. But you
should never use pessimistic locking except for the most extreme case of
serialization. Transaction isolation and other configuration settings

What are you needing to do that you think requires pessimistic locking?
