Subject Re: [IBO] App freezing
Author Daniel Rail

At February 5, 2004, 07:21, Rohit Gupta wrote:

> We have used Memproof with no success (on this problem).

Maybe because your problem is not a heap, memory or resource leak, but
obviously something else. Memproof might not notice a leak if the
objects at fault are being used. If MadExcept doesn't help you a lot
after trying it, you'll probably need to use a profiler like GpProfile
( ). Or, you can use CodeSite
( ) to help you give a better code
tracing and you can even view CodeSite's results in real-time as they
are sent from your application to CodeSite.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (