Subject RE: [IBO] Is there a TIB_Video component similar to TIB_Image?
Author agung wibowo
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Raymond Kennington [mailto:raymondwk@...]
>Sent: 23 Desember 2004 13:00
>Subject: [IBO] Is there a TIB_Video component similar to TIB_Image?

>I want to store/display small video files in a Firebird database; these
>are little demo files of a process.

>Is there a component like the IB_Image component that would allow me to
>load, save, play and read-into the table?

>If not, what must be done to make this functionality possible?


I never doing that before. But may be you can use BLOB field to manage your
small video, then retrieve from database, and load into TMediaPlayer (in

Agung wibowo