Subject RE: [IBO] Lookup
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:37 PM 29/11/2004 +0200, you wrote:

>At 03:39 PM 29/11/2004 +0200, you wrote:
> >As I have mentioned I think;
> >
> >The Lookup works fine; but if I place it over the grid(cut it from the
> >form an paste it on the Grid) It does not show up;

I wrote:

>Do you realise that it only shows up in edit or insert modes? If you
>want something there in Browse or Delete, you should implement
>KeyDescLinks hooked to a correlated subquery..

So - what happens when you put the grid into Edit mode?

> >Does the "OngetCellProps" event from the grid have an effect on the
> >Lookup not being displayed ?
>I guess it depends on what your OnGetCellProps handler is doing.
>Is set this in my handler
> AFont.Color := clGray;
> AFont.Style := [fsStrikeOut];

I should think that would be ignored when the tib_lookupcombo is active,
since the embedded control has its own font props. It would only be
applicable in modes that are displaying text.
