Subject Re: [IBO] IBOStatisticalService: How to get all the detailed Index information?
Author Raymond Kennington
The UNIQUE indexes have constraint names and I've added an index that is
not part of a unique constraint.

Database created with:
Server Version: WI-T1.5.0.3773 Firebird 1.5 Release Candidate 5.

IBObjects: 4.2Ib.

IBExpert displays the full log file and index info.

All I get is:

Database header page information:
Flags 0
Checksum 12345
Generation 64
Page size 4096
ODS version 10.1
Oldest transaction 61
Oldest active 57
Oldest snapshot 57
Next transaction 62
Bumped transaction 1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID 0
Implementation ID 16
Shadow count 0
Page buffers 0
Next header page 0
Database dialect 3
Creation date Nov 21, 2004 22:27:30
Attributes force write

Variable header data:
Statistical Service complete.

Helen Borrie wrote:
> This will get the header stats and then iterate through the indexes,
> delivering the stats into a TMemo:
> procedure YourForm.btnStatsClick(Sender:TObject);
> begin
> with IBOStatisticalService1 do
> begin
> ServerName :='YourServer';
> DatabaseName :='YourDBAlias'; // assuming Firebird 1.5
> Protocol := TCP_IP;
> LoginPrompt :=False;
> Params.Add('user_name=sysdba');
> Params.Add('password=masterkey');
> Active :=True;
> ServiceStart;
> try

I think the next line should be before ServiceStart.

> Options :=[HeaderPages,IndexPages,DBLog ];
> YourLogMemo.Lines.Clear;
> While not Eof do
> YourLogMemo.Lines.Add(GetNextLine);
> finally
> Active :=False;
> end;
> end;
> Helen