Subject RE: [IBO] FieldByName()
Author Gediminas
I don't know, what container Jason uses for the field maps. I have
experience for using STL vector/map containers in the DB. The fastest is
vector; map has internal overhead as it uses internal (binary) searches on
sorted keys (sort invoked after each new record insert). Another way would
be to use hash containers.

At 2004-11-16 20:22, you wrote:
>certain event took place this code was being executed. Now, in the place of
>them I have field maps that are internally maintained to store the param and
>field pointers for MasterLinks, MasterParamLinks and KeyLinks.
>So, in a loop with MasterLinks it looks like this:
>for ii := 0 to MasterLinks.Count - 1 do
> tmpCol := TIB_Column( FMasterLinksFieldMap[ii] );
>instead of
>for ii := 0 to MasterLinks.Count - 1 do
> tmpCol := MasterDataset.FieldByName( MasterLinks.IndexValues[ii] );

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