Subject RE: [IBO] TIBOTable Suggestion
Author Jason Wharton
Will you please tell me more why this is a benefit?

I don't really understand why it should also override in the case that
someone placed a value in there that they want, which is what your code
would do.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans [mailto:hhoogstraat@...]
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 7:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] TIBOTable Suggestion
> Hello Jason,
> I like to suggest the following code change to TIBODataSet.pas
> Around line 2915:
> // (tmpField as TNumericField).DisplayFormat := tmpCol.DisplayFormat;
> change to
> if tmpCol.SQLscale >= 0 then
> (tmpField as TNumericField).DisplayFormat := '#'
> else
> (tmpField as TNumericField).DisplayFormat := '#.'
> +Copy('000000000000000000',1,-tmpCol.SQLscale);
> This change displays Numeric(x,y) fields using a
> DisplayFormat of (#.y(0's))
> on
> non field populated TIBOTABLES OR TIBOQUERIES (dynamic built SQL)
> Thank You
> Hans