Subject RE: [IBO] Converting from BDE - TSession
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:22 AM 30/09/2003 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi Nando,
>I mustn't be too good at searching the archives as I've searched through
>them and found nothing of any help.
>I am beginning to wonder if this question has actually been asked at all.

It's common enough but it's generally pretty obvious.

>Thanks for your suggestion but I have already been down your path.
>I have come across TIB_Session.GetConnectionByName but finding a global
>(or default) session variable is obviously the key. Unfortunately the
>IB_Session identifier isn't a variable, it is a unit. And there is no
>IB_Session.Session or IB_Session.IB_Session global variable!

Read Artur's advice again. "IB_Session" **is** the global session property
of all IB components. A TIBODatabase object **is** an IBO component. The
TIBODataset component exposes this property to its descendants explicitly
through the TIB_ wrapper. Read the property list in the Help.

>Surely someone else has had this problem before too? I just want to get a
>reference to a database by it's name.



Maybe I've lost track of this thread, but why can't you just read the
DatabaseName property of the IBODatabase?
