Subject RE: [IBO] Calculated fields with TIBOQuery
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:35 PM 29/09/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't understand how setting up EditSql will help when I'm only trying to
>edit a calculated field.

You can't edit a calculated field. If it is calculated on the client, i.e.
you defined it as a member of CalculatedFields, then you might be able to
change it by writing a suitable handler for OnCalculateFields, and then
call CalculateFields in response to whatever happens that changes the value.

>In fact, I don't know what the SQL statement would
>look like since a calculated field doesn't really exist on the server.

Sounds like a locally calculated field, then...

>Ditto for FieldOptions. I don't see how foCaseInsensitive or
>foNoPartialCompare would have any effect on a Boolean, calculated field.

Uppercase(value) <> value?
foNoPartialCompare wouldn't have any effect on a 1-byte comparison.
