Subject RE: [IBO] Whole Blob field in an IBGrid (Sub_type 1 Text)
Author Alan McDonald
if you want to see all the text of a memo field in a grid then you'll need
to use another grid (not IB_Grid) take a look at a delphi website and earch
on grids - there are plenty around W2W etc etc...
You can also do your own drawing of the grid and alter the row height
dependent on the amount of text but there are limits to what's sensible as a
user interface in the grid scenario..
How much text do you really want/need to show? A blob can get very

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Apicito2003 [mailto:apicito2003@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2003 4:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBO] Whole Blob field in an IBGrid (Sub_type 1 Text)
> Well, and like I can visualize in a grid the whole
> memo field ?
> --- Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
> At 10:33 AM 8/09/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> >I need to visualize whole Blob (Sub_type 1 Text)
> field
> >in an IBGrid.
> >I have proven with "Set TIB_Grid's EditLinksAuto
> >property to TRUE" but it doesn't show me the text.
> >Why?
> It's an editing mechanism, so it only kicks in when
> the row is in Edit
> mode. A little button with three dots should appear at
> the right side of
> each blob column in that row. Click that button and
> you will see the blob
> in an editor window. Edit it, click OK, and you're
> done.
> Helen
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