Subject Re: [IBO] problem installing IBO on BCB6
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Esa,

> So I've tried the correct package now, but get an error there too.

First: do you have version If_TEST, and BCB 5? If so, I can send you a
small (3k) zipfile that will correct a couple errors you are going to
get. These corrections will also be in the next version.

Anyway, whatever version you have, you should start with a fresh unzip
of the _right_ archive ;-) into an *empty* folder. If you mix
versions, you may get into an awful mess.

Then, open the project group IBO40_C5.bpg.
Note the digit after the C - it should match your BCB version.

After opening the group, go to the Project Manager en build all the
projects in the listed order, from top to bottom. Attention:
- Choose "build" for the projects with names like IBO40*RT_... (those
are runtime packages);
- Choose "install" for projects named IBO40*DT_... (design time pks)
as well as for IBO40FTS_... and IBO40RPL_... (rt/dt packages).

Especially in the beginning, you'll get lots of "<blah> not found"
messages. Just click them away. As you progress through the list, they
get fewer and fewer. If you ever rebuild the group, you'll get none.

Now IBO is installed (look at all the extra Palette tabs) and you can
start using it in your projects (you may need to add the IBO dir to
some of your paths).

Be prepared for occasional "Can't find include file <somefile>.h"
errors when compiling your first projects. The include file _is_
there, but it's called "<somefile>.hpp". Just change the #include line
or browse to the file if and when prompted.

Paul Vinkenoog