Subject Re: [IBO] Password ?????
Author Daniel Rail

At August 13, 2003, 13:24, Juarez A. Mendes wrote:

> Hello!

> I am with the following problem, I have a database Firebird in a
> webserver properly configured and when trying access in Delphi IDE.
> I get without problems when changing IB_Database1 for Active=True, I
> get to list the data in a Query everything in IDE of the delphi even
> so when compiling the application I receive the following message:

> ISC ERROR CODE: 335544472
> Your user name and password plows not defined. Ask your database
> administrator to set up the Firebird login.

> Are the signal and password correct, because I only get to connect
> road you GO of the delphi?

Change the PasswordStorage property to NotSecure, otherwise you'll
have to supply the username and password in runtime.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (