Subject Re: [IBO] MSVCP60.dll
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:59 PM 13/08/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>So in short I ened to include it with my installer?

Not needed for a Delphi application and it's not required by IBO.

It will need to be present on the system for Firebird 1.5, both server and

I don't know whether you have to have the C++ runtime present for
C++Builder application, but you should be able to find the answer by
reading the DEPLOY.TXT that Borland ships with its IDE products.

It should be present on the Firebird 1.5 installer.

>Will my Win2k file work on ALL OS?
>(i.e. W95, W98, NT, ME, XP, W3k?)

If you are talking about the C++ runtime, I don't know what the
compatibility issues are between Windows versions. You'll need to query
the Microsoft site, I guess. What I do know is that Tony Caduto produced
an unofficial installer for one of Firebird 1.5 release candidates, which
overwrote this file unconditionally on my Win2K system with the one from
his own XP system and broke some key applications on my machine.

This isn't an IBO question.
