Subject Re: [IBO] Basic IBO usage question
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Peter,

> I have just started using IBObjects again, previously I had been
> using the IBO_Transaction bar I am now trying to do multiple inserts
> in code, but the transaction is obviosuly not commiting.
> I can't find anything in the help , or getting started guide ?

My help files state that ApplyUpdates, CommitUpdates and CancelUpdates
are work in progress. I don't know what they are for, but the standard
procedure is, after setting the field values like you did:

> Product_IB_Datasource.Insert;
> Product_IB_Query.FieldByName('VENDOR_ID').AsInteger := ...
> ... call Post on the Dataset:

> Product_IB_Query.Post;

If your transaction component has AutoCommit true, you can leave it
at that. Otherwise, you have to call Transaction.Commit or

In an exception handler, you could call Transaction.Rollback or

Paul Vinkenoog