Subject Re: Flicker with IBObjects and EnhComponents
Author Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira
Problem partially resolved.

For incredible that it seems, with the property AutoLabel fastened in
albTop the problem disappears. Does anybody know because that

Thank you,

--- In, Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira
<leandro.timoteo@b...> wrote:
> People, i have a system developed in Delphi7 + Firebird1.5RC4 +
> IBO4.2Ie + EnhComp2105 that is presenting the following problem:
> I use the property AutoLabel of the components TIB_EditEnh and in
> operations of Insert, Cancel, Search, etc, the form raises all of
> labels, causing an uncomfortable slowness. A Flicker in cascade,
> begins of the top of the form and it is going to his bottom,
> traveling all of TIB_EditEnh.
> Does some exist sorts things out of avoiding that behavior?
> The code that I use for the insert routines proceeds below and
> delete:
> PS1: I already tried the methods DisableControls/EnableControls and
> BeginBusy/EndBusy, but all without success.
> PS2: With the original edit´s of IBO that problem didn't happen.
> I thank all to help me.
> procedure Tfcadpad.actInsertExecute(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> { inclusão }
> try
> Screen.Cursor := crSQLWait;
> try
> { limpa a StatusBar da janela }
> StatusBar.SimpleText := '';
> if not IB_Transaction.InTransaction then
> IB_Transaction.StartTransaction;
> with tbMain do begin
> Insert;
> PageControl.ActivePage := tbsCad;
> edtIni.SetFocus;
> end;
> except
> IB_Transaction.Rollback;
> raise;
> end;
> finally
> Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
> end;
> end;
> procedure Tfcadpad.actCancelExecute(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> { cancelamento }
> try
> { limpa a StatusBar da janela }
> StatusBar.SimpleText := '';
> with tbMain do begin
> Cancel;
> IB_Transaction.CommitRetaining;
> { fecha qualquer LookupCombo aberto }
> edtIni.SetFocus;
> end;
> except
> IB_Transaction.Rollback;
> raise;
> end;
> end;