Subject | Re: Flicker with IBObjects and EnhComponents |
Author | Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira |
Post date | 2003-08-07T18:57:55Z |
Problem partially resolved.
For incredible that it seems, with the property AutoLabel fastened in
albTop the problem disappears. Does anybody know because that
Thank you,
--- In, Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira
<leandro.timoteo@b...> wrote:
For incredible that it seems, with the property AutoLabel fastened in
albTop the problem disappears. Does anybody know because that
Thank you,
--- In, Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira
<leandro.timoteo@b...> wrote:
> People, i have a system developed in Delphi7 + Firebird1.5RC4 +the
> IBO4.2Ie + EnhComp2105 that is presenting the following problem:
> I use the property AutoLabel of the components TIB_EditEnh and in
> operations of Insert, Cancel, Search, etc, the form raises all ofthe
> labels, causing an uncomfortable slowness. A Flicker in cascade,that
> begins of the top of the form and it is going to his bottom,
> traveling all of TIB_EditEnh.
> Does some exist sorts things out of avoiding that behavior?
> The code that I use for the insert routines proceeds below and
> delete:
> PS1: I already tried the methods DisableControls/EnableControls and
> BeginBusy/EndBusy, but all without success.
> PS2: With the original edit´s of IBO that problem didn't happen.
> I thank all to help me.
> procedure Tfcadpad.actInsertExecute(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> { inclusão }
> try
> Screen.Cursor := crSQLWait;
> try
> { limpa a StatusBar da janela }
> StatusBar.SimpleText := '';
> if not IB_Transaction.InTransaction then
> IB_Transaction.StartTransaction;
> with tbMain do begin
> Insert;
> PageControl.ActivePage := tbsCad;
> edtIni.SetFocus;
> end;
> except
> IB_Transaction.Rollback;
> raise;
> end;
> finally
> Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
> end;
> end;
> procedure Tfcadpad.actCancelExecute(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> { cancelamento }
> try
> { limpa a StatusBar da janela }
> StatusBar.SimpleText := '';
> with tbMain do begin
> Cancel;
> IB_Transaction.CommitRetaining;
> { fecha qualquer LookupCombo aberto }
> edtIni.SetFocus;
> end;
> except
> IB_Transaction.Rollback;
> raise;
> end;
> end;