Subject Re: [IBO] Beginner Question
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:52 PM 5/08/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>If I run 2 or more instances of my program (simply a form that make inserts
>and updates to a DB table), the made in instance 1, can't be viewed in the
>instance 2 (even if in the instance 2 a TIBOQuery.Refresh is performed).
>how the changes of Instance1 could be viewed in Instance2?

If your transaction in instance 2 has tiConcurrency isolation, you would
need to hard-commit and restart the transaction in instance 2 before
instance 2 could see others' committed changes. With tiCommitted, you
should see the changes on refreshing. If not, then I'd guess that instance
1 isn't committing its work.
