Subject Re: [IBO] Firebirb/IBObject/Multithreaded
Author Daniel Rail

At August 2, 2003, 11:37, gbehnke2000 wrote:

> in my application i have tree threads which make several jobs with
> firebird. Every thread has a own connection (IB_Connection)and a own
> Transaction (IB_Transaction). It works well without problems but i
> need tree connections per Application. That means if i have running
> 50 Clients i have 150 open connections to firebird.
> My question:
> 1.) can i run in problems with to many connections ?


> 2.) with ib_object and FB 1.5 is it still necessary to make a own
> connection per thread ?

Yes, because it is Firebird's client that is not thread safe. There
are plans to make it thread safe, hopefully in FB 2.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (