Subject Re: [IBO] Very bizarre behavior
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:07 AM 31/07/2003 -0700, you wrote:

> > >KBSolidVO
> > >KBSolidWH
> > >KBSolidBK
> > >KBSolidRED
> > >KBSolidsIND
> >
> >Are these values for the primary key? What is the name and data type of
> >the primary key column?
>Yes. These are the values for the primary key. The name of the primary
>key column is PRODBARCODE and is of type VARCHAR(25).
>What I mean is, for example, if instead of setting the SQL to:
>Select * from products where PRODBARCODE = 'KBSolidRED'
>I instead set it to:
>Select * from products where PRODBARCODE = 'KBSolidWH'
>The first case generates an AV. The second case doesn't generate an AV,
>but displays the record correctly.

What KeyLinks are set for the TIBOTable?

Did this ever work before?
