Subject | Re: [IBO] can not locate record to update |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2003-07-30T14:03:18Z |
At 04:00 PM 30/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:
the primary key. Then you can let IBO do what IBO does - keep track of all
your records. You don't need that stuff you're doing there - IBO does it
At 04:00 PM 30/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi,Not exactly...
>IBO generates a nice exception if a record to update can't be found anymore.
>If it does it kind of erases the corresponding record from memory leaving an
>empty row. ( TIBOquery )
>I would like to catch the exception and choose how IBO is to behave.Yes, use KeyLinks, and don't design interfaces where your users can change
>I use an editSQL like "UPDATE ...SET ...WHERE id=:old_id AND
>checkfield=:old_checkfield". I use "checkfield" to perform a multiusercheck.
>If checkfield has changed I want to cancel the update. It's very annoying if
>after the "can't locate record for update" message the line goes blank.
>Is there a way to change this behaviour ?
the primary key. Then you can let IBO do what IBO does - keep track of all
your records. You don't need that stuff you're doing there - IBO does it