Subject | Re: [IBO] (unknown) |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2003-07-29T13:13:50Z |
At 12:45 PM 29/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
folder, and there is an example of using the SearchPanel in the GSG. If
you don't have the GSG, you might like to download from the Contributors
page the (very rough) project code that I wrote originally for the screen
captures for the GSG. It's pretty raw, but there is enough there to see
how SearchPanel works. It is one of the later projects in that set...
>Need some help:Don't use LIKE for this, use STARTING WITH.
>have a table with name, surname & etc info. I want to give the user
>ability to enter new info in such way:
>while entering name/surname in ib_grid are displayed only those
>entries, which match already entered text (for example: T gives all
>entries which names begins with T; To gives all entries which names
>starts with To & etc. The same is while entering surname and other
>fields - but filtering takes only already filtered dataset). If no
>matching entries were found, user can add entered info into DB.
>At thirst thought to use incseach, but it points to a matching entry,
>but not hides not matching entries. So ib_paramedit seems to be right
>SQL code for query will look like this:
>select name, surname
>from db
>where name like ':name%' and surname like ':surname%'
>Problem occured to add % to :name - got DB error about unknown column.
>Is it the right way to do what I want (so how to add % ? :)) or there
>is the better way (performance issues?)?
>Besies, don't understand how to use SearchPanel component - how it canTwo places you can look: the SearchingLinks example in the ibo\samples
>be used for searching? haven't
>managed to make it work - where in searchpanel enter parametername to
>match dataset's seachinglinks value?
folder, and there is an example of using the SearchPanel in the GSG. If
you don't have the GSG, you might like to download from the Contributors
page the (very rough) project code that I wrote originally for the screen
captures for the GSG. It's pretty raw, but there is enough there to see
how SearchPanel works. It is one of the later projects in that set...