Subject Re: [IBO] Detecting local IP address
Author Yovtcho Zagorov
Hello mschatz17,

Tuesday, July 29, 2003, 2:26:30 PM, you wrote:

m> Hello NG.

m> Is there an easy way to detect the local IP address used for the IB/FB
m> connection ?

m> I know the GetHostByName(<computername>) method. But this returns ALL
m> local IP addresses. Which one is used for the connection? And is there
m> a way to select the IP address used for the connection ?

m> A solution for Win9x, Win2k and WinXP would be very helpfull.

m> TIA
m> Michael

YZ> Just read the first entry from list of IP addresses returned by
YZ> gethostbyname

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Best regards,
Yovtcho mailto:y_zagorov@...