Subject Re: TIB_TransactionSingle was wierd error or a bug on ib_query or ib_datetimepicker
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:33 PM 28/07/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>what is the difference between tib_transaction and tib_transactionsingle?

Tib_transactionsingle is a relic from old versions of IBO. Jason can
correct me if I'm wrong but, as far as I recall, you used to use
tib_transactionsingle where your application connected to only one
database, whereas tib_transaction could span connections to multiple databases.

In v.4, IBO dropped tib_transactionsingle and merged the behaviours into
one component.

>it is not give in getting started guide.

Where obsolete versions differ from 4.x, the GSG assumes v.4.x.

Please don't hijack other people's threads!
