Subject Re: [IBO] viewing problem in ib_ebit containing time value
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:26 PM 24/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>my problem is this ... before the ib_edit recieves focus it displays
>the value like this 8:45 AM and when it recieves focus the dislays
>becomes like this _8:00 AM, why does it change? then when I shift the
>focus away from that control. the display is back to 8:45 AM. My
>concern here is the changes of time value during the control recieve
>its focus. From my observation if I have this before the focus 7:23
>AM when on focus it becomes _7:00 AM, after focus it return to 7:23 AM
>Before focus On focus After Focus
>7:45 PM _7:00 PM 7:45 PM
>10:11 PM 10:00 PM 10:11 PM
>*** assuming there is not edit perform just the receiving and
>shifting away of the focus. I don't mind the underscore appearing its
>fine with me. But thanks to your advice on removing the "_" I think
>its looks better without the "_".

When the field gets the focus, it's able to be edited - so that's when the
EditMask kicks in. It prepares a "slot" for each character that can be
accepted. When the focus shifts away, it reverts to the DisplayFormat. I
think Jason (or someone else) changed the control at some point so that the
DisplayFormat would default to mimic the EditMask if you don't specifically
enter something for DisplayFormat. Look up FieldsDisplayFormat in the help
text for some guidelines on the syntax - it's different from EditMask.
