Subject Re: [IBO] PessimisticLock option
Author L.M. Bemmelmans

I read a lot about mentioning "architecture to support OAT"
So, do you have some papers with a few examples of "good" OAT architecture
applications ?

Because what I see now is there are a lot of possible ways to build
FB-applications, but until now they all seem to stall because of two issues:
- long open transactions
- the bad recordlocking possibilities (always at cost of long transactions)

My application is built on the following:
- more than one screen with the same funcionality can be open at a time
- people browse through IBOquery (live) and are able to edit in a grid or in
a separate form, but on the same dataset
- master screen has detail grid on the same form
- one transaction per screen (so more than one edit-query possible within
one transaction)
- at the moment tiCommitted
