Subject Re: [IBO] Key in current dataset
Author Lester Caine
> I'm doing this to prevent an InvalidateBookmark on a record that is
> not displayed on the users screen for multi-user synchonization.
> Basically user b made a change to the same table that user a has open
> but user a might not have the record that user b changed even on his
> screen so I don't need to even bother to do an InvalidateBookmark on
> that record from user b.
> The actually implementation get's complicated. Basically I have a
> variation of the IB_SyncCursor that is available in IBO but I've
> written my own to work exactly the way I need. Right now I'm doing
> an InvalidateBookmark on any record changed by user b even if that
> record is not even on user a's screen. I would like to prevent
> this. A side effect of doing an InvalidateBookmark when it is not
> needed is that you loose changes for any records that are currently
> in dsEdit mode.

In other words you don't like the fact that Events don't
give you a record number ;)

The code sample I gave comes from a system that does the
sort of thing you are looking for, but it is supported by my
own messaging system. When a record is updated, a broadcast
message is sent, and all the other clients check to see if
they are using that record number, and update only if they
are. Saves a lot of traffic on a 64kBaud network.

So I suppose the question is how do you tell the other users?

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services