Subject | Re: [IBO] RDB Dependencies |
Author | Paul Vinkenoog |
Post date | 2003-07-21T12:01:55Z |
Hello Yosi,
place for this) but in a nutshell:
- Don't ever drop or alter RDB things directly unless you are an
expert. (And if you are, you'll rarely do it either.)
- As for the dependencies: check the metadata of your database.
Anything that refers to the view (triggers, SPs, foreign keys, etc.)
should be altered or dropped before you can drop the view. If you
don't have the metadata, you can extract them e.g. with IB_SQL (free
- Once all the depnedecies are gone, you should be able to delete the
view. If it still doesn't work, check if there are other connections
that use or have used the view.
Paul Vinkenoog
> I tried to delete a view but always failed (IBOConsole),This is not really an IBO question (friebird-support is the right
> It always said that there are still 2 dependencies onto this view.
> But I don't know how to delete the dependencies ?
> I already delete another view depend on it but still it 2 more left.
> The two are :
> RDB$1360 and
> RDB$1362
> Can anyone tell me how to drop these RDB things ??
place for this) but in a nutshell:
- Don't ever drop or alter RDB things directly unless you are an
expert. (And if you are, you'll rarely do it either.)
- As for the dependencies: check the metadata of your database.
Anything that refers to the view (triggers, SPs, foreign keys, etc.)
should be altered or dropped before you can drop the view. If you
don't have the metadata, you can extract them e.g. with IB_SQL (free
- Once all the depnedecies are gone, you should be able to delete the
view. If it still doesn't work, check if there are other connections
that use or have used the view.
Paul Vinkenoog