Subject Re: [IBO] Delete problem in Multi-User environment
Author Marcel Brink

This is what happens:

User A Deletes a record.
User B tries to delete the same record.
User B gets an AV : EIB_DatasetError "Record was not located to

Normally I would expect this to trigger the OnError Event of the
Dataset, or the OnDeleteError. None of them are triggered.

Marcel Brink

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> Marcel,
> At 09:09 AM 17/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have a problem catching the Exception which is raised when
> >a user tries to delete a record wich already has been deleted by
> >another user with a TIBOQuery.
> >In this case none of the (Error) Event's are triggered, so
> >i have to use the Delete in a Try Except, which i actually don't
> >want to since the exception is an TIB_DatasetError which could be
> >anything.
> >
> >Any suggestions ?
> If you are getting an EIB_DatasetError, then something is
happening in your
> code that relates to client behaviour. If it were a server-side
error then
> you would get an EIB_ISCError.
> Do you get any messages with this exception?
> Helen