Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_Export problem
Author Ettienne du Plessis
hi Geoff

Thanks for replying
It works fine with ib_sql

This is my setup currently
Firebird version : V1.0.0.794
Delphi version : 5
Ibo4 evaluation components

Could it be the evaluation components.
I don't know if you read all my posts,
All i did was convert from IBO3 to IBO4 Components.

This is the dfm code

object ibeCustP: TIB_Export
AfterFetchRow = ibeCustPAfterFetchRow
Dataset = RobinClientDatamodule.qryPasCustP
DateTimeFormat = 'dd/mm/yyy hh:mm'
DateFormat = 'dd/mm/yyy'
TimeFormat = 'hh:mm'
Filename = 'c:\ibxv2\zip\Export\ExPasCustP.dbf'
ExportFormat = efDBF
Left = 240
Top = 20

Pas Code

procedure GetAllPasdata(whatexport : Tib_export; WhatDBFtoAdd : string);
// whatexport = Export component eg.ibeCustP
// WhatDBFtoAdd = dbffilename eg. 'c:\ibxv2\zip\export\ExPasCustP.dbf'
with whatexport do
if Dataset.RecordCount > 0 then
WriteLn(RobinLog,'Included ' + WhatDBFtoAdd + ' in zipfile');
FMailData := true;
// add the dbF to a zipfile for emailing
end; // with ith whatex

// this code sets the customer record to posted
procedure TRobinClient.ibeCustPAfterFetchRow(ARow: TIB_Row);
RobinClientDatamodule.qryMailCustP.ParamByName('CUSTID').AsInteger :=
RobinClientDatamodule.qryMailCustP.ParamByName('BCID').AsInteger :=

Ettienne du Plessis
Senior Analyst
First National Battery CO (PTY) LTD
Tel : +27 11 741-3600
Fax : +27 11 421-2739
Web :

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Worboys [mailto:geoff@...]
Sent: 17 July 2003 08:58
To: Ettienne du Plessis
Subject: Re: [IBO] TIB_Export problem

> have you recieved the demo app for this problem. I sent it
> to you on the 14th allready.

Jason could be offline for a while.

If you have not already done so, download IB_SQL from the IBO
website. Connect to your database using this tool and start
the export component (sixth toolbutton from the left on the
connection toolbar).

1. Try your export - do you still get the error?
If yes goto step 2.
If no goto step 5.

2. Connect to the employee.gdb database (comes as part of the
Firebird installation) and attempt to do an export from there.
(Try and select a table that will return data similar to that
in your own database.) Do you still get the error?
If yes goto step 3.
If no goto step 4.

3. Reply to this list and explain what export you attempted
from the employee.gdb database so we can try to reproduce.

4. Was your database built with this version of FB? If not
then use gbak to backup and restore and then try again.
If it was built with this version of FB please post the
details of your table (the CREATE TABLE statement) or export
SQL statement to the list so we can see what you are doing.

5. The problem must be in the code somewhere. Post the
relevant portion of the form DFM that describes the IB_Export
and the relevant portions of your code.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing

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