Subject Re: [IBO] TIBODataset ignores params when ParamCheck = False
Author Lester Caine
> LC> but the IBO help for ParamCheck does say set to false when
> LC> there are no parameters to be processed - which may be
> LC> different to how BDE works?
> IBO native is free to have a property called ParamCheck and make it
> work whatever way Jason thinks is most suitable, of course.
> TIBODataset.ParamCheck, on the other hand, should work like
> TQuery.ParamCheck, as I am told, so that's why I am here. :-)

BUT TIBODataset is just a wrapper for the native stuff, so
it IS the native stuff that needs to be fixed and I am sure
Jason would appreciate some help :)

The problem I can see is that the 'NoParam' state may be
more entrenched in the native stuff, so that allowing
'Param' to be created manually may cause a problem.

One for Jason ;)

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services