Subject | Re: [IBO] TIBODataset ignores params when ParamCheck = False |
Author | Lester Caine |
Post date | 2003-07-15T10:47:49Z |
> I have a TIBOQuery whose SQL property is something along the lines ofSo you are not passing Params?
> 'execute procedure someproc(?, ?, ?, ?)'
> and whose Params property correctly holds 4 hand-crafted TParam
> objects (one for each ? in the SQL string).
> ParamCheck is False since I am not using param names in the
> SQL string hence I avoid the parsing overhead. Plase bear with me this
> actually makes sense in my application.
My understanding of ParamCheck was that it would freeze
updating Params until all params had been updated.
ParamCheck = false
Update several params
ParamCheck = true
But I may be wrong there and I don't use non-native much,
but that won't matter in this case. In any case if the SQL
parses without params, then nothing happens - and I think
ParamCheck is part of THAT checking, so that the flags that
say 'No Params' can actually be set.
So why do you think you want ParamCheck false?
Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services