Subject Re: IB_Date unbound problem (4.2.If TEST)
Author Marco Menardi
Actually, the code to restore is from IBC_Edit.imp. I've restored this
unit from previous version and now works ok.
Marco Menardi

--- In, "Marco Menardi" <mmenaz@l...> wrote:
> When I enter the control, the value is cleared and lost.
> I.e. in OnFormShow I set:
> edtFromDate.Value := Date;
> in the form the edtFromDate shows
> 14/07/2003 (correct for my locale settings)
> then when I tab into the control, it's content is cleared:
> __/__/__
> I've seen that, Jason, you have removed too much code from IB_Date
> concerning Unbound behaviour, plz re-insert it :)
> thanks
> Marco Menardi
> btw, I find that having the same controls (so the same interface for
> the user) work bound and unbound is a great IBO feature