Subject Re: [IBO] How To Know, Whether TIB_DSQL has returned any records or not ?
Author Helen Borrie

At 09:42 AM 3/07/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> > while using select statement with TIB_DSQL is ther any way to know that it
> > has returned any records or not
> >
> > i m getting an following error if my select doesnt return any records
> > and if i use RowsSelected
> >
> >
> >
> > ISC Error Code = 335544374;
> > Error message = "attempt to fetch past the last record in a record
>TIB_DSQL is an ideal component for doing this kind of select now that the
>bug in InterBase that caused problems doing this is fixed in Firebird.
>If it succeeds without an exception then you are assured that it fetched one
>and only one record.
>Not zero and not more than one.
>When using TIB_DSQL it performs a singleton select rather than a cursor
>based select, therefore it is more efficient since a cursor doesn't have to
>be created on the server.

SELECT SINGULAR would in fact be the "most right" kind of select query to
use in this case, since it won't return any exceptions. All you'd have to
do is the equivalent of an IsEmpty test on Fields[], right? What would
that test be? since TIB_DSQL doesn't have the BOF and EOF properties...

Users will still need to know that this applies only to Firebird 1.5 and
later, until (or unless) the fix is backported in the Firebird 1.0.4
