Subject | Re: TIB_lookupcombo doesnt appear in the grid? |
Author | james_027 |
Post date | 2003-06-17T02:24:17Z |
this is my stand alone IB_lookupcombo
object IB_LookupCombo1: TIB_LookupCombo
Left = 136
Top = 16
Width = 121
Height = 21
DataSource = ds_items
TabOrder = 4
DisplayField = '"Name"'
ShowButton = True
this is my IB_grid with embeded IB_lookupcombo
object IB_Grid1: TIB_Grid
Left = 0
Top = 41
Width = 589
Height = 207
CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
DataSource = ds_ingredients
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 2
TitleAlignment = gtaCenter
object IB_LookupCombo2: TIB_LookupCombo
Left = 136
Top = 16
Width = 121
Height = 21
DataSource = ds_items
Visible = False
TabOrder = 0
DisplayField = '"Name"'
ShowButton = True
my parenttable
object ingredients: TIB_Query
ColumnAttributes.Strings = (
DatabaseName = 'D:\Works\KSK\database\ACCTDB.GDB'
FieldsVisible.Strings = (
IB_Connection = Form_main.IB_Connection1
SQL.Strings = (
'select "ItemsID", "IngredientsID",'
' (select "Name" from "items" where "items".ID
= "ingredients"' +
'."IngredientsID") as ASDF,'
' "Qty", "Unit"'
'from "ingredients" m'
ColorScheme = True
DefaultValues.Strings = (
DeleteSQL.Strings = (
'DELETE FROM "ingredients"'
' "IngredientsID" = :"OLD_IngredientsID" AND'
' "ItemsID" = :"OLD_ItemsID"')
EditSQL.Strings = (
'UPDATE "ingredients" SET'
' "IngredientsID" = :"IngredientsID", /*PK*/'
' "ItemsID" = :"ItemsID", /*PK*/'
' "Qty" = :"Qty",'
' "Unit" = :"Unit"'
' "IngredientsID" = :"OLD_IngredientsID" AND'
' "ItemsID" = :"OLD_ItemsID"')
InsertSQL.Strings = (
'INSERT INTO "ingredients"('
' "IngredientsID", /*PK*/'
' "ItemsID", /*PK*/'
' "Qty",'
' "Unit")'
' :"IngredientsID",'
' :"ItemsID",'
' :"Qty",'
' :"Unit")')
MasterSource = ds_stocks
MasterLinks.Strings = (
'"ingredients"."ItemsID" = "items".ID')
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
BufferSynchroFlags = []
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 736
Top = 8
ParamValues = (
my lookup table
object items: TIB_Query
DatabaseName = 'D:\Works\KSK\database\ACCTDB.GDB'
IB_Connection = Form_main.IB_Connection1
SQL.Strings = (
'select ID, "Name", "Unit2" from "items"')
ColorScheme = False
KeyLinks.Strings = (
'"items".ID = "ingredients"."IngredientsID"')
KeyDescLinks.Strings = (
'"items"."Name" = ASDF')
KeySource = ds_ingredients
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
OrderingItemNo = 2
OrderingItems.Strings = (
'"Name"="Name";"Name" DESC')
OrderingLinks.Strings = (
SearchingLinks.Strings = (
BufferSynchroFlags = []
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 736
Top = 104
Note: Don't mind the master detail that I have setup because I have a
master table ... the parent table here is the detail table, I don't
think that has anything to do with my problem since I have tested
doing it starting from scratch with out the master detail setup ...
object IB_LookupCombo1: TIB_LookupCombo
Left = 136
Top = 16
Width = 121
Height = 21
DataSource = ds_items
TabOrder = 4
DisplayField = '"Name"'
ShowButton = True
this is my IB_grid with embeded IB_lookupcombo
object IB_Grid1: TIB_Grid
Left = 0
Top = 41
Width = 589
Height = 207
CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
DataSource = ds_ingredients
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 2
TitleAlignment = gtaCenter
object IB_LookupCombo2: TIB_LookupCombo
Left = 136
Top = 16
Width = 121
Height = 21
DataSource = ds_items
Visible = False
TabOrder = 0
DisplayField = '"Name"'
ShowButton = True
my parenttable
object ingredients: TIB_Query
ColumnAttributes.Strings = (
DatabaseName = 'D:\Works\KSK\database\ACCTDB.GDB'
FieldsVisible.Strings = (
IB_Connection = Form_main.IB_Connection1
SQL.Strings = (
'select "ItemsID", "IngredientsID",'
' (select "Name" from "items" where "items".ID
= "ingredients"' +
'."IngredientsID") as ASDF,'
' "Qty", "Unit"'
'from "ingredients" m'
ColorScheme = True
DefaultValues.Strings = (
DeleteSQL.Strings = (
'DELETE FROM "ingredients"'
' "IngredientsID" = :"OLD_IngredientsID" AND'
' "ItemsID" = :"OLD_ItemsID"')
EditSQL.Strings = (
'UPDATE "ingredients" SET'
' "IngredientsID" = :"IngredientsID", /*PK*/'
' "ItemsID" = :"ItemsID", /*PK*/'
' "Qty" = :"Qty",'
' "Unit" = :"Unit"'
' "IngredientsID" = :"OLD_IngredientsID" AND'
' "ItemsID" = :"OLD_ItemsID"')
InsertSQL.Strings = (
'INSERT INTO "ingredients"('
' "IngredientsID", /*PK*/'
' "ItemsID", /*PK*/'
' "Qty",'
' "Unit")'
' :"IngredientsID",'
' :"ItemsID",'
' :"Qty",'
' :"Unit")')
MasterSource = ds_stocks
MasterLinks.Strings = (
'"ingredients"."ItemsID" = "items".ID')
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
BufferSynchroFlags = []
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 736
Top = 8
ParamValues = (
my lookup table
object items: TIB_Query
DatabaseName = 'D:\Works\KSK\database\ACCTDB.GDB'
IB_Connection = Form_main.IB_Connection1
SQL.Strings = (
'select ID, "Name", "Unit2" from "items"')
ColorScheme = False
KeyLinks.Strings = (
'"items".ID = "ingredients"."IngredientsID"')
KeyDescLinks.Strings = (
'"items"."Name" = ASDF')
KeySource = ds_ingredients
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
OrderingItemNo = 2
OrderingItems.Strings = (
'"Name"="Name";"Name" DESC')
OrderingLinks.Strings = (
SearchingLinks.Strings = (
BufferSynchroFlags = []
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 736
Top = 104
Note: Don't mind the master detail that I have setup because I have a
master table ... the parent table here is the detail table, I don't
think that has anything to do with my problem since I have tested
doing it starting from scratch with out the master detail setup ...