Subject Re: Error 'Unable to complete network request' situation
Author rodbracher
If the below is too long winded...

How do I disconnect a tibodatabase.connected if the physical
connection is lost ?


When the physical connection is re-established, how do I reconnect
tibodatabase ?



--- In, "rodbracher" <rod@m...> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a tIBODatabase object - called db. Linked to it is a
> with the sql 'Select * from mytable'.
> I connect with the db.path = \\server\d\mydb.gdb. I can then open
> tiboquery.
> Now if I connect the db, then PULL OUT my network cable from its
> (I use tcp\ip) then I try to open tiboquery I get -
> "Unable to compete network request to host. Error writing to the
> connection. The specified network name is no longer specified"
> I expect this. But - the db.connected property is still true. If I
> then put the network cable back in - I cannot do any of -
> the database and connect again, or open the tiboquery - always
> getting the identical error mentioned above.
> How can I re-establish the network connection ?
> A variation to this - If I connect the db, PULL OUT the network
> cable, put it back in, then open the tiboquery - it works fine.
> Thanks
> Rod