Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Refresh Single Record
Author Artur Anjos

> One more thing. I don't understand the full purpose of the the
> KeyLinks property and maybe this is my problem. What exactly does it
> do?
That's the reason I told you to use the monitor. :-)
In a simple way, they will build the WHERE clause that the line needs to be
refresh. For refreshing the row, IBO will send a query just like 'select
BlaBla where KeyLink1=YourValue1 and KeyLink2=YourValue2 ....

So, for getting the row back, IBO needs to know a unique way to identify it.

> If it is just used for the refresh then all I need is the key to
> the primary table I would think. If it is more than this then can
> you explain because I obviously missing something here.
Yes, just need that. But you know your query better. :-)
