Subject RE: [IBO] Dataset ReadOnly=true, controls throw exceptions
Author Alan McDonald
if you use your own editSQL, just remove the fields from the update
statement. Any attempts to update is met with "dead" controls. That's what I
do with IB_ controls anyway.
I do this for different roles. If the role is e.g. equirer, then
onPrepareSQL will clear and add a different update statement into EditSQP

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tickerboo2002 [mailto:support@...]
> Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 7:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Dataset ReadOnly=true, controls throw exceptions
> When I display a dialog, I sometimes want the dataset to be read
> only. Only one row is displayed for which I use a transaction, query
> & datasource. I set the following:
> tn->ReadOnly = true;
> ds->AutoEdit = false;
> qry->ReadOnly = true;
> qry->PreventEditing = true;
> but this still allows the user to enter a control and when attempting
> to change the data an exception is thrown. Is there anyway to
> prevent this apart from changing all the bound controls to
> ReadOnly=true?
> David
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