Subject RE: [IBO] IB_Connection facility
Author Alan McDonald
thanks helen
a few clicks less and that's good - the browsing functions are good too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
> Sent: Monday, 26 May 2003 4:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBO] IB_Connection facility
> At 02:58 PM 26/05/2003 +1000, you wrote:
> >I find myself, very fequently during development,
> >going to my datamodule or where ever I have my connection component,
> >selecting it,
> >F11 the properties sheet
> >scrolling up the properies to the connection property,
> >double clicking the True to False,
> >then going back to what I was doing..
> >this is all because I make changes to the db which must be refreshed.
> >
> >Is there a way to make this operation quicker?
> >E.g. the Import server defaults is on the connection popup menu.
> >Can a disconnect menu item be added somewhow?
> >If I can do this myself - can someone perhaps suggest a way?
> Just double-click on the connection component to open the visual property
> editor - which is an in-line version of IB_SQL - it should open on the
> Connection tab - and click the red "-" button to disconnect, then
> click the
> blue "+" button to reconnect.
> Actually, you can do all your database mods directly from this visual
> property editor as well, either interactively on the DSQL tab, or by
> running a script; test the changes, browse the database, import data,
> extract metadata, et al.
> Helen
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