Subject Re: [IBO] New user basic question
Author Daniel Rail

At May 23, 2003, 05:18, pchaisty wrote:

> Can anyone please help me

> I am a new user to IBObjects and what little hair I have left on the
> top of my head is in danger of being pulled out.

> Using the delphi convention (d5) I have the following

> xxxxxxx := IBTable1.Fields.Fields[2].AsString;
> or
> xxxxx := IBTable1.FieldByName('FieldName').AsInteger;

> I have now converted over to using an IB_Query component, everything
> works in terms of IBgrids etc, but how do I implement my old coding
> method?

Simply using IB_Query.FieldByName('FieldName').AsInteger should work.
That's what I use. Your first example would work with IB_Query, if
you use IB_Query's Fields equivalent which is Columns. You can find
more information in IBO's help.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (