Subject RE: [IBO] FieldReadonly
Author Alan McDonald
thanks geoff, paul,
I just cleared and reset the sql onprepare - it works fine
but I think the re-prepare after setting fieldsreadonly otion would have
worked to (didn't try that)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Vinkenoog [mailto:paul@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, 21 May 2003 12:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [IBO] FieldReadonly
> Hi Alan,
> Nice to follow your little solo conversation ;-)
> > ok, can I assume then, that since I have custon update SQL for my
> > query and a column is included in the update, that the setting of
> > readonly for that column is ignored?
> I don't have IBO or the IBO Help handy but I think...
> ...that the update SQL is not a problem as long as you protect the
> column against updating at the IBO level (the update SQL will then
> just set the existing value for the field in question).
> ...that trying to set ReadOnly via the TIB_Column (which you get from
> FieldByName) is not the right way. I even suspect that TIB_Column's
> ReadOnly property is a read-only property ;-)
> ...that you should do this through the FieldsReadOnly property of
> the dataset, like this:
> with MyQuery.FieldsReadOnly do
> begin
> if BlokeIsAdmin
> then LinkValues[ 'MyTable.ThisColumn' ] = 'F';
> else LinkValues[ 'MyTable.ThisColumn' ] = 'T';
> end;
> You might need to (un- and/or) reprepare if you do this.
> Good luck,
> Paul Vinkenoog
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