Subject Re: [IBO] Help IB_IMPORT Setup string
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Christopher,

> Looking for some support information on how to set up IB_IMPORT.
> The input file is an ASCII flat file of fixed records.
> What is the proper layout of the FieldList parameters.

FieldList is a TStringList. This is what author Harald Klomann writes
in IB_Import.pas:

Type here the column names of the table, where you want to
be the data inserted. Each column a line. If you dont want
to import all of the existing columns found in the Ascii file,
you type in the <SkipFieldMarker> for the column to skip.

In <FixedWidth> format, syntax is: colname;fieldwidth;decimals
mycol;10 for a char(10) column
mycol;5;2 for a float or decimal(5,2)

Note: Fill in fieldwidth and decimals here as they are in the ascii
file! They are not necessarily the same as in the table.

If the structure of the ascii file is always the same, it's best to
fill the FieldList at design time, using the StringList editor that
you launch from the Object Inspector.

Paul Vinkenoog