Subject RE: [IBO] Using colorscheme
Author Norman Dunbar

'inherited' is a Delphi call which lets you call a method in the base class
(or parent class) and you see it a lot in component design where you have to
call, say, the inherited create() function in an over ridden (?) method. So
you might have something like :

rest of custom code here ...

In C++ there is a trick used (in the BCB5 Developers Guide) which does a
similar thing :

in the .h file defining your class :

class MyClass : public ParentClass {
typedef inherited ParentClass;

in the .cpp file implementing your class :

void MyClass::DoSomething(stuff....)
more code here....

alternatively, if you are using someone else's class/component definitions
and either don't have the source code, or don't want to change it to add the
typedef, you can simply do this :

void MyClass::DoSomething(stuff....)
more code here....

The problem is, in Delphi, you simply say 'inherited' and the parent class'
method is called for you. In C++ you need to know what the parent class is
called before you can call the method.



Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146

-----Original Message-----
From: Riho-Rene Ellermaa [mailto:r.ellermaa@...]
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 6:21 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Using colorscheme

I would gladly try it if I could understand what is this "Inherited" you are
refering to.
(I'm using BCB, noy Delphi). And so far as I know there are no Inherited
things to call in events.

Maybe small code snippet would help me understand

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer

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