Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery.Locate
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:08 PM 22/04/2003 -0300, you wrote:
>At April 22, 2003, 18:22, Sergey Kanovka wrote:
> > IBO 4.2.Id, Firebird, Delphi 7
> > I have a strange error when I try to locate a record in TIBOQuery. SQL
> > is pretty simple:
> > , MI
> > , SSN
> > order by last_name
> > for update
> > Delphi code:
> > PersonsQry.Open;
> > PersonsQry.Locate( 'SSN', Trim( SSNEdit.Text ), [] );
> > After Locate I get following error:
> > Token unknown
> > _NAME
> > which probably caused an error.
> > Any ideas?
>I'm kind of glad that I'm not the only one encountering a similar
>problem. I haven't found the solution either, as you can see I posted
>a message just a few hours ago. I think that both our problems are
>related. First point in common is that the query is generated by IBO.
>And second point, my error is generated by the field NAME, which NAME
>is part of a field name and your error is with _NAME, which is also
>part of one of your field names.
>I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I just wanted to let you know that
>you're not alone.

Aye, I think we are looking at a bug here. I'll send Jason an alert, in
case he isn't watching the list today.
