Subject Re: [IBO] Scripting problem
Author Geoff Worboys
> When I look at the RDB$INDICES, the largest number is PRIMARY59.
> When I run this script in IBAdmin, it runs perfectly and does
> everything necessary.
> What does IBO differently and what should I do to get it work?

IBO scripter does not (by default) auto-commit, since autocommit
depends on the attached transaction whose default is to not
autocommit. Many other script facilities do autocommit (cant say
for sure about IBAdmin but I've seen many others that do).

For some reason certain DDL scripts like to have autocommit (or
server autocommit) enabled. In my experience the problem can
usually be circumvented by rearranging the script - or you can
take the easy way and try autocommit.


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing