Subject Re: [IBO] Pipeline for ReportBuilder7
Author Paul Hope

When I say I had the same problem - it was characterised as follows.

If pipeline.AutoCreateFields is false then the pipeline can be dbl clicked
and fields created manually

If pipeline.AutoCreateFields is True then dbl clicking the pipeline causes a
stack overflow or delphi instantly closes.

As I told you before I cured this by completely removing and reinstalling
IBO. The removal including deleting the IBO source directory and all ibo
files from the bpl directoy.

Have you tried this?

Unfortunately I can't confirm that RB7 works with D5. I kept RB6 for D5 and
only installed RB7 with D6. However if all other aspects of RB7 work with
D5 - and IBO works with D5 - and your problem is the one above then I
suspect that it will work when the install is sorted - just a guess ;-)


----- Original Message -----
From: <guido.klapperich@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Pipeline for ReportBuilder7

> I went today to a friend, who's working with Delphi6 and I installed the
> TppIBOPipeline on his Delphi and I get exact the same error. I put a
> TppIBOPipeline on a empty form, doubleclick on it and get a stack
> Another scenario: I put a TppIBOPipeline on a empty form, then a
> and connect them. I doubleclick on the Pipeline and delphi crashes without
> error-message.
> Any ideas ?
> Guido
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