Subject Re: [IBO] Cannont install ibobjects types.dcu not found
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:12 PM 30/03/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>I've just downloaded IBO4 with the relevant .dcus for Delphi5.
>I am trying to install into Delphi 5 Enterprise.
>I am unable to do a clean install because the IB_ControlInterface
>unit uses Types, unfortunately I do not have Types.dcu.
>A few sources on the net indicate that Types.dcu is not part of the
>D5 installation and that it is something to do with Kylix?

No, it's part of the Delphi 6/7 RTL. (The CLX version is called
QTypes.) Is there any chance that you downloaded the D6 dcu pack by mistake?

>I haven't seen anyone else complain of this. I've been through the
>installation guide and I'm sure I've followed them accurately.
>Perhaps the changes on 6th Jan 2003 introduced types.dcu?

We didn't have any changes introduced on 6th Jan 2003. Can you elaborate?

>Can anyone help?

Yep, we'll get it sorted somehow...I'm just going to install the latest
patches into D5E to see if something funny has happened to a conditional
define. Incidentally, Types is not in the uses list of
IB_ControlInterface.pas..but that's not to say it isn't implicit in the
builds of the other used D6/D7units...Forms, Graphics.
