Subject RE: [IBO] DML-Caching does not work when changing the prim. Key Value?
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hello Jason,

> You are probably doing something wrong.

I am not sure here, despite the fact that it is a bad idea
to have primary key column filled with "business" data.

A quick look in TIB_BDataset.DefaultDMLCacheReceivedItem shows
that for DMLCacheItemType=ditEdit InvalidateBookmark is called,
which doesn't give the expected result, when the primary key
column (used as KeyLinks) is changed.

Thomas Steinmaurer

> -- We may not have it all together --
> -- But together we have it all --
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "mag_jung" <magjung@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 4:01 AM
> Subject: [IBO] DML-Caching does not work when changing the prim. Key Value?
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use the TIBO... TDataset descendants and havea little problem with
> > the following situation. I have very few tables that have a primary
> > key consisting of letters (currencies for example, USD, EUR, ...). If
> > I edit such a field, all other datasets are notified of the change
> > but the changes aren't reflected. All other field-changes are
> > reflected.
> >
> > I do in
> >
> > proc OnDMLCacheReceived...()
> > begin
> > IB_Dataset.DefaultDMLCacheRe...;
> > ibqryMyTDataset.Resync([]);
> > end;
> >
> > Is this simply unsupported or am I doing something wrong ?
> >
> > best regards,
> > Magnus Jungsbluth
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