Subject RE: [IBO] How to use a IB_loockupcombo?
Author Alan McDonald
You make a query of the cities and assign it to the datasource property with
the displayfield set as desired, you then assign keylinks so that the
display field is co-ordinated with the linked query

-----Original Message-----
From: jubassauro <hipersimples@...>
Sent: Sunday, 2 March 2003 4:57 PM
Subject: [IBO] How to use a IB_loockupcombo?

How to use a IB_loockupcombo?
I have two IB_Query, one with the field user, city
and another with the field city contends a list of cities. How to
place in my IB_loockupcombo a list of the cities for they be
inserted in the users' table?

Thank you


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