Subject | Re: [IBO] IB_LookupCombos |
Author | Paul Vinkenoog |
Post date | 2003-03-01T23:49:38Z |
Hi Alan,
But most of the time, the DropDownWidth property does the trick.
For a couple of builds at least, until they find out you'd almost
outsmarted them ;-)
Paul Vinkenoog
> Can someone remind me how to set the dropdown (non custom) of aYes, they can be real troublemakers :-(
> lookupcombo to equal the width of the lookupcombo itself?
> I've set the query column to the same width but it still seems to
> have a mind of it's own..
But most of the time, the DropDownWidth property does the trick.
For a couple of builds at least, until they find out you'd almost
outsmarted them ;-)
Paul Vinkenoog